TbXie's Shockwave Totems Hierophant Gear, Jewels, and Flasks (PoE Necropolis 3.24)



Summary – TL;DR

Like expected, nothing matters more than capping your Elemental Resistance before anything else. This means modifiers on gear are subordinate to Resistances as long as we’re not capped.

We’re providing you with an extensive analysis further down the page, but chose to start off with an overview / recommendation. As you’ll notice, a lot of the emphasis is on Life & Resistances, as we’re looking to get as much of that as possible.

Our recommendation:

Item Slot Item Name
Head Rare Helmet with Reservation Efficiency, Life, Resistances
Amulet Rare Amulet mostly with Life, Levels of Gems & necessary Attributs
Chest Corrupted Skin of the Loyal Skin of the Loyal
Gloves Rare Gloves with Resistances, a Focus Mod, double conversion
Boots Rare pair of boots with double ailment avoidance, life, movement speed and attributes
Belt Darkness Enthroned Darkness Enthroned
Rings Astral Projector Astral Projector & rare ring with Life, Resistances & Attributes
Weapon Divinarius Divinarius
Shield Rare Influenced Shield with +1 Totems, 30% Reservation and ideally Life, Damage, Resists

For crafting Rare items, you can check out all the affixes that can roll on an item base, depending on its level, influence, and many other factors, using our affix tool.

Armour Pieces


While this item might look scary to obtain in the first place, it really isn’t that hard to make. You’re looking for a decent base helmet (I recommend an EV/ES base, because if you hit it with Essences and end up with a variation of the item that has suppression, you will be able to sell it for ludicrous profit. The ES part is there to help with EB, which will be necessary to cast your totems) with the correct enchant. Afterwards, you’ll just need to hit it with Screaming Essence of Loathing Screaming Essence of Loathing‘s until you’re happy with the result, generally an outcome that hits Life & some resistnaces, ideally with an open prefix so you can finish it off with a +1 Craft on the crafting bench. As a last step, when you’re happy with it, finish it off with Eldritch Currency to obtain its implicits.

  1. #% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills
  2. +# to Maximum Life
  3. +% to Resistances
  4. Open prefix to benchraft +1 to Level of Socketed AoE Gems
  1. Cast Speed & Mana Reservation Efficiency implicits from Eldritch Currency.

Body Armour

The absolute best DPS chest you can get is a +2 corrupted Skin of the Loyal. This might be super expensive, in which case it can be more optimal to look for another chest piece. Obtaining a corrupted +2 chest piece that does at least something useful for your build, for example a Carcass Jack Carcass Jack should be cheap and you’re able to 6-Link it with Tainted Orb of Fusing Tainted Orb of Fusing‘s which makes getting these implicits a lot easier!

Early on, if you don’t have the means to find this chest piece, you could grab a 6L Base and craft something useful yourself. Please read this section thoroughly, as it can help you gearing tremendously. So, the guide requires you to find a Mana Reservation Efficiency Jewel, an Enlighten & a 10% Mana Reservation Efficiency implicit on a Helmet. Finding a Helmet justifying this kind of implicit-rolling might not be in your budget earlier on. Therefore, making a Rare Chestpiece will greatly diminish your damage output but it will make gearing infinitely easier, as you’ll be able to find a ton of useful stats on such a chestpiece.

What can a rare chestpiece solve?
  • Mana Reservation Efficiency as you will be crafting a 6L base with Screaming Essence of Loathing Screaming Essence of Loathing. Combining this with 7% Mana Efficiency on a Helmet (which is rolled with the cheap Currencies) will get you there without an Enlighten or the Jewel.
  • Ailment immunity. You’re supposed to find a shield, as explained here beneath, which already has the missing Ailment Avoidance. However, you can craft Ailment avoidance on rare chest pieces, making it so you can forego the Avoidance on the shield and easily find a cheap +1 Totem shield.
  • Resistances. GIven how cheap the lower Essences generally are, you can spam away quite a bit until you hit something actually nice. The piece I used (pretty much all the way through, besides for Ubers) had 80 Resistances, Reservation Efficiency, A good chunk of Armour & enough Energy Shield to make my Energy Shield Recharge Rate last inifintely.
  • You don’t need life on it, because you can use the mastery which gives you 15% Increased Maximum Life if you have no Life on Body Armours.

This is an example of a great chestpiece you can hit. Make sure to buy a decent white 6L to start from though.


Because of the removal of Alternate Quality Gems, you’re going to need to find a ton of Conversion on Gloves. Do note: We currently have no information on a Transfigured Shockwave Totem. We are still awaiting an eventual release of said gem in which case, you can just use a lower implicit & crafted Conversion to get there.

Crafting Gloves

As this is a tiny bit expensive, you’re going to want to maximize the outcome of this item. Therefore, you’re going to be looking for an item on trade which has 3 Suffixes.

1: The first suffix should be one of three Temple Damage modifier. *
  • Cold Resistance & 30-50% Increased Damage with Hits against Chilled Enemies
  • Fire Resistance & Adds # to # Fire Damage against Burning Enemies
  • Lightning Resistance & 40-60% Increased Critical Strike Chance Against Shocked Enemies.

If you do not have the Cold Resistance modifier, you can reroll it into Damage against Chilled enemies by changing the Resistance which is linked to it through Harvest Crafting. For example, if you have the Fire Damage against Burning Enemies, you can Harvest Craft Fire Resistance to Cold Resistance and it will reroll the Damage against Burning Damage to Hits against Chilled Enemies.

2: The second suffix should be a very high Resistance of any kind.

Do note that if you have a second Resistance, you might have to do some reroll shenanigans. If it’s already Cold Resistance, you might have to change the Cold into Lightning first so you can reroll your Fire Resistance + Burning Damage into Cold Resistance + Damage against Chilled Enemies.

3: The last suffix should ideally be high Dexterity. The base would look something like this, with perhaps some prefixes which don’t matter.

4: Once you’ve acquired your suffix base, you’re going to have to make sure there’s an open prefix. If this is not the case, you will need to Eldritch Annul of a Prefix. To guarantee annuling of a Prefix, the Exarch needs to be dominant. This means, the tier of Eldritch implicit for Exarch needs to be higher than for Eater. If the item has no implicits at the time, you can just use a lesser Eldritch Ember to make him Dominant. Then use an Eldritch Orb of Annulment Eldritch Orb of Annulment to annul of a Prefix. You can then benchraft “Suffixes cannot be changed” and use a Veiled Chaos Orb Veiled Chaos Orb. This will add the option to add an unveiled modifier on the item. If this fills up the item’s prefixes, you might have to repeat the Eldritch Orb of Annulment Eldritch Orb of Annulment because you want to be able to craft a blocker on it (and you want to make sure you can craft life afterwards). You want to craft any other conversion modifier (so Phys to Light or Fire) before unveiling on the Crafting Bench.

This gives you a 43% chance of success. If you fail, you just craft suffixes cannot be changed again & use another Veiled Chaos Orb Veiled Chaos Orb. So on average, this craft will run you 4-7 Divine Orb Divine Orb.

If you land the Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage unveil, you can now pick up the Cold Conversion Mastery in the Passive Tree, finish of the item by crafting life & grabbing Eldritch Implicits (For starters, if you ran outof currency, 20% conversion is fine on the implicit – this’ll end up being 95% which is okay.). Your item will look something like this:


Pretty flexible slot as this can find you Dexterity, Strength & perhaps some Chaos Resistances if your other items allow you to. You might also randomly have enough attributes and lack resistances, in which case the boots will have to fill this up. Just make sure you grab Life & Movement Speed on them, as per usual. It is mandatory you have an open suffix on them to craft Ailment Avoidance as both the implicit & explicit ailment immunity, together with the ring & a shield gets you ailment immunity – a very big thing to have in modern PoE -.


I honestly think the new Darkness Enthroned Darkness Enthroned is fucking sick if you can get a good roll (meaning 95%+). Depending on your budget, this might need to get replaced by a regular Stygian Vise, or just a Leather or Heavy belt if you’re more on a budget. In such use case, you could use this slot to find Chaos Resistance, Elemental Resistance, Life and / or attributes.



The amulet in this build can serve many purposes. Its main issue is that it comes with a relatively pricey enchant, which makes it a bit hard to use a budget version since it always feels a little bad spending a decent chunk on an anoint if the item itself isn’t strong enough. Purely from the amulet though, you could really walk through all of the game with a mere +1 neck with some life, some relevant extras such as resistance or attributes & perhaps a single extra damage modifier. Obviously, when you want to splash the big currency, you can go a really long way with a necklace. Underneath is an example of what an absolutely sick neck would look like (worry not, in comparison to a neck that would go for less than a divine, it “only” adds 4 million damage).


Your first ring will irreplacably be the Astral Projector Astral Projector. For your second ring, it’s basically a slot that fills whatever you need/can find. If, and this is very optional, you can allow it to have an open suffix, a minimum Frenzy Charge is very cool. Otherwise, it might look something like this:

Weapon & Shield


Divinarius Divinarius is just good. It can be beaten by a rare wand, but at those levels of investments, you probably wont be reading the guide. Pay the 2 Divine Orb Divine Orbs it usually costs for an item that will carry you the distance.


Crafting the shield requires you to buy a good base with 3 good suffixes. The first suffix will be the Reservation Effiency suffix. When you obtain this item, you’re going to spend 2 Divine Orbs crafting Suffixes Cannot Be Changed. The second suffix will be chance to avoid elemental ailments (25% tp reach cap). The other suffixes can be any of the following :

  1. Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells
  2. You take #% reduced damage from Critical Strikes
  3. Chaos or Elemental Resistances
  4. #% additional Physical Damage Reduction
  5. +#% to all Maximum Resistances

Now go to your harvest bench and use “Reforge Influence”.

Finish of the shield by crafting Maximum Life & be a super happy clapper!


This build is one of these builds where Flask choices are more preference than necessity. I opted to go for a Taste of Hate Taste of Hate because it’s super solid both offensively and defensively. If you’re on the hunt for Damage, a Bottled Faith Bottled Faith is really strong but by no means mandatory. I would also definitely pick up a Diamond Flask Diamond Flask to cap crit chance. The rest of your flasks is basically defensive, as long as you respect the suffixes we suggested, but we recommend the following setup:

Our recommendation:

Slot Flask
1 Taste of Hate Taste of Hate
2 Flagellant’s Granite Flask Granite Flask of the Armadillo
3 Flagellant’s Diamond Flask Diamond Flask of the Horsefly
4 Flagellant’s Jade Flask Jade Flask of the Impala
5 Bottled Faith Bottled Faith
5 Flaggelant’s Quicksilver Flask Quicksilver Flask of the Owl

We recommend using an automated setup for your flasks by benchcrafting “Used when Full” onto them


We chose to run a single Large Cluster Jewel Large Cluster Jewel, two Medium Cluster Jewel Medium Cluster Jewels, and no Small Cluster Jewel Small Cluster Jewel

If you are looking for the most optimal way to acquire your Cluster Jewels, or have any other questions whatsoever about them, such as how to craft or price them, we refer you to our complete guide on Cluster Jewels.

Cluster Jewels

Optimizing Cluster Jewels

Since the amount of notables you’re looking for on the cluster aren’t very sought after and you’re only on the hunt for two, as you’re not allocating the third it can basically be anyone, your choice of available clusters should be enormous. Picking up the right Cluster Jewels can help out your gearing tremendously. As you’re picking up 10 small notables on Cluster Jewels, buying some which have an extra upside can be super beneficial. Things such as Chaos Resistance, Strength and or Dexterity as extra’s on top of the notables will help out the pressure on your few flexible & versatile slots by quite a bit.

Large Cluster Jewel

The Large Cluster Jewel Large Cluster Jewel jewel really wants a Force Multiplier. Ideally, the perfect 3 notables on them are a Force Multiplier combined with Battle-Hardened & Iron Breaker.

Medium Cluster Jewel

Your first Medium Cluster Jewel Medium Cluster Jewel is focused on getting conditional totem buffs. Getting a second one of these wouldn’t really help, hence the second Cluster will look a bit different.

Your second medium cluster is just focused on getting as much damage as possible. It ended up being a critical one with Pressure Points & Precise Retaliation.

Unique Jewels

Militant Faith

A Militant Faith with High Templar Dominus will net you the Inner Conviction notable, a huge source of power. Lategame, when you’re more so optimizing your character, you want to look for one that actually gets you some nice things for your Devotion, which you automatically gain from such a jewel. In the highest PoB, I went for Aura Effect & Elemental Damage per 10 Devotion, giving us an extra 10% Aura Effect & 40% Elemental Damage. You’re socketing this at the Witch Socket and are allocating the Hex Master Keystone as it will be converted into the Inner Conviction Keystone.

Watcher’s Eye

Obviously, getting a Watcher’s Eye with multiple useful mods will be beneficial but I opted to just talk about the base critical strike chance while affected by Hatred one. This just makes it so easy to cap crit chance, and since we’re scaling so much of it, is really a big boost in damage whilst being relatively avoidable. If you can couple this with a nice Zealotry, Determination or even Grace modifier, that’s even better.

Rare Jewels

The affix priority list on jewels is as follows:

Exactly one roll with 2 or 3% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency

  1. #% increased maximum Life
  2. #% increased Cast Speed
  3. #% increased Global Physical Damage
  4. +#% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier
  5. #% increased Cast Speed while Holding a Shield
  6. #% increased Spell Damage
  7. #% increased Spell Damage while Holding a Shield

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